5. Running CGAR locally

5.1. Requirements

  • Docker: any versions of Docker that support docker compose file version 2 and docker-compose.
  • CGAR distribution: contains Docker image construction files and source code. Plase contact us for getting the file.
  • Free disk space of 700MB

5.2. Installation

First, unpack CGAR distribution file (cgar-dist.tar.gz):

$ cd /path/to/distribution/file
$ tar -xzvf [filename]
$ cd cgar-dist

Next, build Docker images for CGAR (two images for CGAR database and web application, respectively):

# build all images with docker-compose
$ cd /path/to/docker-compose.yaml
$ docker-compose build
# see if images appear in the list of available Docker images
$ docker images

When successful, Docker images cgar-dist_cgar_web and cgar-dist_cgar_db will be created.

Then, adjust application settings for local environment in docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'
    build: ./cgar_db
      - ./cgar_web/db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
      - /path/to/save/mysqldata:/var/lib/mysql ## [ UPDATE LOCAL PATH ]
      - /path/to/save/dbkey:/var/lib/mysql-keyring:rw ## [ UPDATE LOCAL PATH ]
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=*your_password* ## [ UPDATE THIS ]
      - MYSQL_PASSWORD=*temp* ## [ UPDATE THIS ]
    command: --early-plugin-load=keyring_file.so
    build: ./cgar_web
      - /path/to/vep/cache:/cache:rw ## [ UPDATE LOCAL PATH ]
      - "CGAR_PORT:80" ## [ CHANGE PORT NUMBER ]
      - cgar_db
      - CGAR_DB_PASSWORD=*temp*   ## [ UPDATE THIS ]
      - VEP_CACHE_DIR=/cache
      - LOW_MEM=1        ## [ UPDATE THIS ]
      - VEP_CACHE_VER=92  ## [ UPDATE THIS ]
      - COSMIC_USER=some.email@institute.edu ## [ UPDATE THIS ]
      - COSMIC_PW=password ## [ UPDATE THIS ]

Settings to be customized in cgar_db section:

  • /path/to/save/mysqldata: persistent storage for mySQL database tables that will be used in CGAR. Should point to local folder where Docker container can read and write, and have enough disk space for database files (grows over time). If the folder does not exist already, dockder-compose will create it for you.
  • /path/to/save/dbkey: persistent location for mySQL encryption key. Should point to an existing local folder where Docker container can read and write.
  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: this is administrator password for the entire mySQL database in CGAR. Not directly used by CGAR.
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: mySQL password for CGAR application only. Should also be the same as CGAR_DB_PASSWORD under cgar_web section.

Settings to be customized in cgar_web section:

  • /path/to/vep/cache: persistent location to store annotation files for VEP. Should have enough space for VEP cache files (~15GB).
  • CGAR_PORT: the port number for CGAR web application.
  • CGAR_DB_PASSWORD: mySQL password for CGAR application only. Should also be the same as MYSQL_PASSWORD under cgar_db section.
  • LOW_MEM: keep the line if the installed memory (or memory available by Docker) < 40GB. Otherwise delete or comment out this line.
  • VEP_CACHE_VER: the version of VEP annotation to be used in CGAR. Change this to use the latest VEP version.
  • COSMIC_USER and COSMIC_PW: for cancer-associated genes and variants, CGAR uses data files from COSMIC (requires COSMIC account). CGAR will use this COSMIC account information to get data fiiles (downloaded only once during the first time of running).

Lastly, start and initalize CGAR application.

# start CGAR container for the first time
$ cd /path/to/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose up -d
# check if containers are up and running
$ docker container ls
# initialize VEP cache and other internal resources
# (these will take a lot of time...)
# 1. download and build VEP annotations
$ docker -it exec (cgar_web image name) /bin/bash /cgar/build_cache.sh
# 2. prepare ClinVar annotations
$ docker -it exec (cgar_web image name) /bin/bash /cgar/prep_ref_table_clinvar.py
# 3. prepare COSMIC annotations
$ docker -it exec (cgar_web image name) /bin/bash /cgar/prep_ref_table_census.py
$ docker -it exec (cgar_web image name) /bin/bash /cgar/prep_ref_table_cosmic.py
# 4. prepare denovoDB annotations
$ docker -it exec (cgar_web image name) /bin/bash /cgar/prep_ref_table_denovodb.py


The first time of running CGAR images could take a long time due to the amount of time to build internal database.

Afterwards, if necessary, stop and start CGAR containers as follows.

$ cd /path/to/docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose start

5.3. Access local CGAR

Assuming the port number 8081 was used for CGAR_PORT, open url http://localhost:8081.

5.4. Source Code

  • Interested users can find the source code for CGAR is available from here.